Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Episode 1.4: "The Wrong Button"

“Shawn? Shawn are you there? There’s all kindsa crazy shit goin’ on ‘round here! Heads blowin’ up and shit! Shawn!” It continued, and I felt obligated to talk to this lady. I was, after all, about to use her dead acquaintance’s hammer and cell phone to help prolong my own life.
“Yes, hello?” I said calmly.
“Who in the hell is this? Where’s Shawn? Don’t make me cut yo’ ass! Speak up!” I tried to remain calm.
“Yes, my name is Marla, and I have some…well, bad news about…Shawn, was it?”
“Shawn? You seen him? Tell him to get his ass home! They’s heads blowin’ up and shit all over down here!”
“That’s the thing, ma’am. Shawn’s…well, his head has blown up too. I wasn’t going to answer, but I hit the wrong button and…”
“What? Shawn! Shaaaaawwn! Noooo!” I held the phone away from my ear to help mute the sound. Suddenly, I heard a digitized version of the sound Professor Burbidge’s head made when it blew up, and the conversation ended. I clutched Shawn’s hammer in my hand, and put his phone in my bag. I hadn’t ever told a person that someone they cared about has died. There was a sick feeling in my stomach, and a cold sweat had slithered its way across my skin. I heard the mutant scream, but this time it was answered by yowls and screeches from different parts of the building. My heart pounded as I visualized one of these things slithering out of a vent above me and sinking its teeth into my skull, and I got the hell outside.
Campus has always been a bit creepy at night, and given the circumstances, it was downright terrifying. I jumped whenever the old pines and birches shook their branches in the wind, and my mind started to see shadows moving in and out of the corners of my eyes. I noticed the dull blue glow of a nearby campus security phone booth, which I’d always secretly wanted to use (not to report a rash of head-mutilating creatures that were running amok on campus, however). I was tempted by this sudden emergency, but I decided that given the gravity of the situation, campus police just wasn’t going to cut it. I pulled out Shawn’s cell phone and started to dial 911 when something grabbed my shoulder.

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